Animal Poison Control

One of the most important behaviors you can teach your dog is the command or “cue” to “leave it”.  Leave it can save your dog’s life.  Puppies especially, explore the world with their sense of smell and their mouths.  Everything within the pup’s reach is fair game, so environmental management to keep your pup safe is a must.  Get on your hands and knees and look around the room from your dog’s point of view.  Are there wires (i.e. extension cords, phone chargers, etc.) that look so inviting.  If you accidentally drop a food on the floor that you dog should never eat – grapes and chicken bones, are only two examples your dog would make a mad dash for.  Especially important is if you drop medication on the floor and your dog goes for it.

Teaching “leave it” starts with the dog’s kibble or a treat.  Once the dog complies 90% of the time, you start to generalize the cue by using real life items that won’t harm your dog. Such as a shoe, a piece of clothing and so on.  The dog must comply 90% of the time before you move on to the next item.  Take your dog out in your driveway (or on the sidewalk if you don’t have a driveway).  Use a stick, a leaf, a small rock, anything your dog might find enticing.  I also use the leave it cue when a dog spots a squirrel or other little critter.

If your dog does ingest something harmful such as human medication, immediately call the Animal Poison Control number – 888-426-4435.  They are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you’d like to know more about how to teach the leave it cue, feel free to contact me through the contact page on my website –

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